Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Like a Bicycle

I'm Back.
It is sort of strange to go on hiatus and then return to a job. The strange thing about working in public education is that many things change dramatically over the years, but there are some things that never, ever, ever change. I take comfort in the 1950's styled teacher break room and the broken copy machines. I also love this box of chalk I found in my cabinet that looks like it is from the early 60's. Vintage chalk from the past, I wonder what teacher tucked them away in the cabinet for some future lesson or maybe just to plan some sort of punitive activity. It feels good to teach again, to create, to look at the world again through the eyes of someone looking for ideas and connections for a new class or specific lesson. On the other hand, I can't shake the feeling that it just seems unnatural to be away from S. I miss her, and I wonder if she misses me. I hope she doesn't realize I'm not there, but she is more and more aware of her world with each day. Everyone keeps telling me that I am so lucky I was able to stay with her for seven months. I am lucky for that, but it isn't like she is about to start driving. Why does society seem to make people grow up so fast? I still talk to my mom every day, and I am almost 29. I guess I just have to keep thinking about this situation and see how it goes.

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